Essential Emergency Ultrasonography


Learn to diagnose 9 life-threatening conditions by ultrasound

After this Basic entry level Point of Care Ultrasound e-course (POCUS) you will be able to diagnose 9 life threatening conditions


The Essential Emergency Ultrasonography e-learning programme abandons conventional protocols and focuses instead on the clinical yes/no questions you need to ask when you are dealing with emergency patients in daily practice. The objective is to teach you how to use medical ultrasound like you use your stethoscope. It is relevant for all physicians taking care of patients with potentially life-threatening and time-critical conditions.

The questions are:


  • Is a pericardial fluid collection present?
  • Is the left ventricular function reduced?
  • Are signs of pulmonary embolism present?
  • Are signs of ascending aortic dissection present?


  • Can pneumothorax be confirmed or excluded?
  • Are signs of pulmonary edema present or can pulmonary edema be excluded?
  • Can pleural fluid be confirmed or excluded?


  • Is an abdominal aortic aneurism present?
  • Is free intraperitoneal fluid present?

The objective is to teach you how to use medical ultrasound like you use your stethoscope. It is relevant for all physicians taking care of patients with potentially life-threatening and time-critical conditions.

The e-learning will take approx. 3-4 hours to complete.